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Study Abroad from Bangladesh to Australia

Study in Australia

Study Abroad from Bangladesh to Canada

Study in Canada

Study Abroad from Bangladesh to UK

Study in UK

Study Abroad from Bangladesh to Japan

Study in Japan

Study Abroad from Bangladesh to Malaysia

Study in Malaysia

Study Abroad from Bangladesh to USA

Study in USA

Which Destination is right for you?

The Right course and Institution?

The first thing you should consider while making a choice of destination is your choice of course and level of study and availability of place at the Program. Some countries may provide expertise in particular fields and industries, while others may provide flexible options and some with research facilities or industry placements. Use the Search Option above to find Institutions that offer your course. You should find out about the faculty or department of your course, location, course, and rankings of the Institution and make a list of choices.

Visit their websites or check out the Program Outline to see if that’s the right course for you.

Tuition Fees and Cost of Living?

Some countries have higher tuition rates and living costs in comparison to others but might offer intangible advantages. UK and Canada, Australia, Japan all have post-study work opportunities and a pathway for residency after your graduation. While your degree and experience make it well worth the investment, there are so many other added value to your personal and professional development that makes it all worth it.

Find out how much you may spend in the next 3-4 years for your studies and living expenses and based on your findings, set out a reasonable budget that you want to invest in your education which will narrow down your search.

Find out funding and scholarships options in addition to this. Remember, Scholarships or Bursaries cannot be guaranteed by us. There are eligibility criteria and requirements for a high level of scholarship and access to bursaries which can only be determined by the Admissions Officer.

Check Exchange Rates to calculate expenses in your local currency and check out living expenses in various countries and cities through Numbeo: https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living

Eligibility and Chances of Success?

Requirements for acceptance into a course may differ from Institution to Institution and each faculty or department has its own requirements too. Therefore, it is better to set out your profile and search in accordance with your needs. This process might be quite daunting and time-consuming and hard to decide. Therefore, at Euniwise we first evaluate your academic profile in detail, which helps us understand your strengths, your future aspirations and direct you towards ways that can open doors for you.

One must also consider Visa Success risks and ensure that your profile will be successful as a Visa rejection may have effects on your future applications. If you don’t have a strong financial background and proper financial documents to prove your credibility and financial ability, countries like Canada, Australia, or the USA might be more difficult to guarantee. Study destinations such as the UK, Japan, and Malaysia have a more straightforward process for achieving Visa Success.

New Opportunities and Quality of Life?

“Did you know that over 90% of Employers think that candidates who have studied abroad have traits and employable traits that give them an edge over other applicants? In addition to your degree, studying abroad will give you a stronger resume, and improved job and internship prospects. You will gain hands-on field experience and broaden your professional network.”

You invest not only your finances during your educational journey abroad but factors such as Post Study Work experience, industry placements, and global exposure to a diverse array of cultures may be what you require to open up your horizons. Therefore, research the locations, distance from city centers, availability of job opportunities within the area, and experiences you may want to add to your book of adventures can play a role in making your choice. Some might want to remain closer to their home country and find a match in culture and language to feel comfortable while others are excited at the prospect of everything new. One might also consider whether, language, local communities, and religious acceptance factors of choice.

QS Rates Best Student Cities?

  • London
  • Tokyo
  • Melbourne

Apply Now:

We have been in this industry for 15 years and have an excellent track record and reputation for successful and fast application responses from our University Partners. Our partners trust that we will provide the applications with the highest order of efficiency and have done due diligence assuring the eligibility and authenticity of your application.

Each student is different and may have different requirements and motivations towards deciding to pursue their education abroad. Therefore we approach each student individually in ways that are best suited to their profile. Kindly provide us with the following information so that we can confirm your eligibility.

Euniwise will help you through the process step by step, and we assure you that your story and journey matter to us.

Name: *

Email Address: *

Date of Birth:

Mobile: *

Study Destination:

Interested in:

Course Title:

Previous Qualifications:

Work Experience:

English Test:

English Test Results:

Any additional information you would like to include: